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The ascent

If you haven't read the previous two posts, go back and read them before reading on. This is the 3rd post talking about my mental health journey. My story continues at the point where I return home from my last semester at OU. I came home with no real plans besides get help . Be in an environment surrounded by people who can help me and watch out for me. Lucky for me, this was as simple as moving back home. Its not always that easy for everyone, but I have a family who understands this journey. I told them what was happening with my health and my relationships and they assured me that they love and care for me and would do what they could to make sure I was doing alright. They encouraged me to do what I felt was needed to get through this. Enter me: attempting, and failing, to schedule an appointment to see my doctor. This process was TERRIFYING . I called the office at least 2 or 3 times telling them that I was having bad anxiety and wanted to schedule an appointment with m

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